
Roof Inspection

When it comes to roofing, appearances aren’t always what they seem. A roof can look perfectly fine from the outside, but be riddled with potential unseen issues, like cracks or water damage. The best way to ensure your roof is healthy is to perform a roof certification inspection. These inspections can help your business extend the life of your roof and reduce the need for emergency repairs. 

At State Roofing Systems, Inc., we want to keep you informed on the state of your roof. That’s why we offer thorough roof inspections in which our roofing contractors precisely and accurately investigate every detail of your roof. After the results are in, we provide you—the building owner—with a report on our findings. With this crucial information, you’ll know the condition of your roof and if immediate repairs are necessary.  

This is a service we extend to all our clients for free (except when it’s part of a roofing maintenance agreement).  

What Is a Commercial Roof Inspection?

A roof inspection is an assessment of your roof, normally performed by professional roofing inspectors. The assessment is done to determine the condition of the roof. This allows you to get ahead of issues before they become bigger problems, which can help you safeguard the integrity of your commercial roof. This process typically includes:

  • Reviewing the status of the roof and its components
  • Examining the drainage system
  • Checking for signs of movement
  • Identifying material failure, vandalism, tenant abuse, and damage by other tradespeople
  • Assessing every ridge, cap, and drip edge
  • Highlighting features, like flashings

Once everything is done, we provide a roof management report that displays budget figures for reserve studies and long-term planning for restoration, resurfacing, and replacement of roofing systems.

Why Roofing Inspection Is Necessary

Repairing your roof is not cheap and replacing it entirely is even more expensive. With an inspection, our roofing company can save your business money. We detect wear and tear, leaks, and other roofing problems early on so you can address them before they become major, costly issues in the future.  

How Long Will it Take?

A common question many clients have about roof inspections is, “How long will a roof inspection last?” The answer differs depending on a few factors such as the size of the roof, the thoroughness of the inspection, and the expertise of the inspectors. An estimate can only be made once the size of the facility is known. 

What to Do After a Roof Inspection

When we do a roof inspection, we don’t simply look at your roof. Our team makes observations, documents our findings, and then provides you with a report so you know the condition of your roof. We then work with you to suggest recommendations for potential fixes for the problems we identified. From there, you’ll have the information you need to make a decision that works best for your business.